Top 10 Ducks for Eating

in Duck Commander Blog

Before we get started I will admit that this is solely my opinion. Depending on what part of the country you live in, I may have this list backwards. 

10.  Scaup  

At the bottom of my list lies the fast flying Scaup, AKA “Blackjack,” AKA “Dos Gris.”  These birds have saved a many slow day due to their willingness to hit a decoy spread. They are a sporty bird to shoot but preparation of the Scaup requires intensive labor.  I recommend a 3-day salt-water brine, lots of garlic, and use in gumbos only. Dark, coarse, and gamey.

9.  Northern Shoveler  

The Shoveler, AKA “Spoonie” is just a step above the Scaup.  Although I’ve heard rumors that rice fed Shovelers are edible, I have not experienced this for myself.  3 day brine, garlic, us in gumbo.  Tender but musty.

Photo courtesy of Casey Klebba

8.  Coot  

AKA “Poule D’Eau.”  Now I’m sure there are plenty of people that are thinking, “Why in the world would he have a coot on this list? It isn’t even a real duck!”  Point taken, I completely understand.  But a good Cajun friend of mine will whole heartedly disagree.  On a trip to the marsh, I was served coot gizzards without knowing and I have to say I will take that over a Scaup or Shoveler any day of the week.  Firm, livery taste.  Marinade and deep fry.

7.  Blue Winged Teal  

Blue Wings are most definitely a sporty bird to harvest but for dining I would describe them as a miniature Shoveler.  Once again I’ve heard that depends on their diet but I have seen no such evidence.  Tender morsel but musty and earthy.  Gumbo only.

6.  Canvasback 

I would describe the Canvasback as a larger version of the Scaup as far as dining goes.  The big, fast flying duck makes for sporty shooting but lacks some on flavor.  Dark and coarse, almost as gamey as the Scaup.  Gumbos only.

5.  Gadwall  

The Gadwall, AKA "Gray Duck” is the first on our list that I would consider a grilling duck.  The only wildcard is that sometimes Gadwall enjoy feeding on sewage ponds and if you kill a fresh sewer duck that will bump him down the list a few places.  Other than that he is good to go for the grill.  Tender, slightly gamey.  1 day brine, good for grill or gumbo.

4.  Mallard 

The most sought after duck on our list, the mallard provides a good amount of meat but requires a little preparation.  I recommend cutting the breast in half and put them in a saltwater brine for at least a day.  Coarse texture with a slightly gamey taste.  Great gumbo duck and good fried or grilled.

3.  Pintail  

The Pintail, AKA “Bull Sprig”, gets us more excited that any duck we hunt.  There’s nothing quite like working a group of sprigs and getting them in close especially in the woods.  When that happens it seems that all is right with the world.  As far as dining goes, the pintail reminds me of a smaller, tenderer mallard.  Once again I recommend at least a 1 day brine or marinade.  Slight gamey taste, tender and juicy.  Great in gumbos, good grilled or fried.

2.  Wood Duck 

The Wood Duck, AKA “Woodie,” is most definitely in the grilling duck category.  Some even compare its flavor to that of prime rib.  I wouldn’t go that far, but it is a fine piece of meat.  Butterfly the breast, stuff it with cream cheese and jalapeño’s, dust with your favorite rub, wrap in bacon and cook him over a hot fire.  You won’t be disappointed.  Tender and juicy, no wild taste to speak of.  Great in any application.

1.  Green Winged Teal 

At the top of my list lies the Green Winged Teal.  Unlike his cousin the Blue Wing, the Green Wing has absolutely no wild taste about him.   I’ve been to many places in this country where people let them land in their decoys and fly away. I found that interesting.  I thought “Would I pass on a rib eye on the chance that a hamburger might come by?”  Absolutely not!  The Green Wing is such a fine morsel that I would put him up against a tender filet of beef.  So next time you feel the need to pass on a group of Teal don’t give in to the pressure.  Go ahead a whack and stack ‘em and treat yourself to one of the finest meals The Creator provides.  


  • Landon F

    Landon F

    January 12, 2025 at 11:20 PM

    @ Sandy Walker no they dont. That is in fact a green winged teal in the photo they have. If you mean a vertical white stripe on the face that would be a blue winged teal Drake

  • Sandy Walker

    Sandy Walker

    January 12, 2025 at 06:54 PM

    Thats a common teal in your photo for green wing teal. Green wing teal have a vertical white stripe.

  • Fred D.

    Fred D.

    May 09, 2024 at 09:37 AM

    Very helpful a study I’m doing on environmental remediation.

  • Karen Oldham

    Karen Oldham

    October 20, 2023 at 02:14 AM

    Thanks for the info. Can you recommend a source to buy green winged teal or wood duck that has had all shot removed (if applicable) and has been cleaned, and is ready to cook with? Karen

  • Y


    March 02, 2023 at 08:32 AM

    Poo aye , and y’all from Louisiana ?

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